When To Repair Your Windows

January 4, 2020
January 4, 2020 winadmin

Your home serves as a source of comfort and shelter from the elements. If your windows need maintenance, both of these may suffer. Fortunately, even older windows may simply need a few minor repairs to look and function properly — prolonging their use and eliminating the need for full replacement.

Although the glass on your windows may appear to be in great shape, other elements of the window may be reducing its effectiveness for temperature control or functionality. In some cases, foggy glass due to condensation signals that there is a problem. 

Window defogging often solves your condensation issue without the need for further repairs. In some cases, defogging may only solve your main issue, which other repairs are needed to make sure the problem does not return. 

When an insulated glass unit (IGU) seal fails, moisture begins to accumulate inside the chamber. Often times worn out weather strips need replacing. Weather strips serve as a key role in the proper insulation of your home.

By replacing the weather stripping, you eliminate the transfer of opposing temperatures that cause condensation build up. That moisture causes other issues with your windows that make replacement necessary. When these minor issues are repaired properly, you will save caught in time it can save you hassle and money.

Typically, a quality repair you save between 20 – 30% of the the cost of replacing the glass. Window repair is quick, effective and can increase the value of your home while decreasing your costs.

For more information about window repair from the experts at  Window Savers, please contact us here or call us directly at 616.822.7332.